
20 Jan

MUDDY FEET® How to dress for outdoor learning and play

Very few people enjoy being cold and wet when outdoors all day, although I have met some who love it!

Dressing for the weather is essential to be able to fully enjoy a day in the woods. Ensuring the basic need for warmth is met so we can effectively participate in activities and get into the flow state and engage in deep learning.

The leaders often see children and adults attending sessions with incorrect kit for the weather conditions this can lead to serious safety issues. The leaders are trained to spot this and keep an eye on these attendees, checking they do not get too cold or hypothermic, and providing extra dry clothing or getting the participant removed from the site. From April to October ticks, nettles and brambles can be a concern, so we do not recommend shorts.

So exactly how do we dress correctly for a day in the woods?

Muddy Feet’s Top Tips for outdoor clothing.

Base layers – Wool, mine generally go on after October half term and come off in March!

Waterproof and windproof coat – not all coats are waterproof so do check, some are water repellent and will not keep you dry in a downpour, this is a common mistake we see in the woods.

Two pairs of socks – wool is the warmest

Wellies are cold! two layers of socks! stop cold painful toes!

Insulation – layers keep you warm and you can remove them if you get too hot!

Waterproof trousers– The woods can be damp most of the year either with dew, rain, or mud. We sit on logs, lie down on the floor, hide, climb, walk in the stream, so waterproof trousers are essential to protect us from wet and mud.

Hats– keep the heat in.

Waterproof gloves/mittens – once fingers get cold it’s impossible to warm them up and can be quite painful, make sure they are waterproof to keep fingers dry (and warm) when playing in the woods.

What to wear by season

 Waterproofs
 One pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
 One t-shirt, light long-sleeved t-shirt
 One fleecy zip-up jacket (in a backpack just in case)
 One pair of socks
 Wellies or sturdy closed-toe shoes (which you don’t mind getting wet and muddy!)
 A sun hat for sunny days
 Spare trousers & socks in backpacks

 Waterproofs
 One pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
 One long-sleeved t-shirt or top
 One thick jumper
 One fleecy zip-up jacket (in the backpack, just in case)
 Two pairs of socks. On the bottom, one thin cotton sock, and the top, a thick wool sock
 Wellies or sturdy closed-toe shoes (which you don’t mind getting wet and muddy!)
 Spare trousers & socks in backpacks

 Waterproofs
 Base layer – thermals
 Next bottom layer – fleece or other warm tracksuit bottoms
 First top layer – long sleeve t-shirt or thin jumper
 Second top layer – fleece jumper
 Third top layer – fleece jacket
 Neck scarf
 Hat and gloves
 Two pairs socks
 Extra Jumpers to be packed in a backpack for really cold days
 Snow boots or sturdy warm outdoor boots

The Northern Ireland Forest School Association has produced this video on dressing for Forest School
Once dressing for the outdoors is cracked the rest is pure fun!


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