MUDDY FEET® Bringing nature connection to Bicester and Banbury

We are super excited to announce that Muddy Feet has been successful in securing funding to bring innovative nature connection programmes to Bicester and Banbury. Funding through Cherwell District Council and Healthy Bicester will enable Muddy Feet will be running a series of nature-based play sessions and Forest school sessions. We will be working with […]
MUDDY FEET® Supports Winter Wishes Event

We were thrilled to support the Sunshine Centre and Cherwell District Council with the Winter Wishes Event in Bretch Hill, Banbury. We have attended this community event for the last few years and there is no doubt that this is one of our favourite events of the year. The children attending the event were able […]
MUDDY FEET® attends Grimsbury Playday

We worked with Cherwell District Council to deliver some free activities at Banbury playday in Grimsbury at October half term. We were very excited to be based in the wonderful Bridge Street Community garden who does the most amazing activities with a number of different groups. We are delighted to be working closely with Cherwell […]
MUDDY FEET® attends Brackley Playday

We had a great day at Brackley Play and Activity day in October half term. This multi-partner event provided free play activities in South Northamptonshire. We had a Muddy Feet stall making cobwebs with sticks and nature-based activities. It was a very well-attended event and we were lucky enough to bump into a few familiar […]
MUDDY FEET® delivers event in partnership with Island Pond Wood

Muddy Feet was invited to work with the Friends of Island Pond Wood to attend an event day in October. We had such a great time at this very popular event. Muddy Feet provided a stall to make fairy doors that could be taken home or left in the wood. We made a fairy village […]
MUDDY FEET® attends Deanshanger Playday

Muddy Feet worked with Oxfordshire Play Association to bring nature-based activities to West Northamptonshire. Muddy Feet attended a free fun play day event in Deanshanger in October half-term. There were so many exciting free activities for families to participate in. Muddy Feet had a stall offering clay play and conker-themed activities. It was great to […]
MUDDY FEET® works with High Flyers Oxford Limited

Muddy Feet worked in partnership with HighFlyers. The staff are wonderful at supporting the children to get fully involved, they understand the benefits of outdoor play, and supported risk-taking. The children had such a thrilling day and started with a natural treasure hunt and foraging for items, to go in their cauldron to make potions, […]
MUDDY FEET® Banbury Play Day – Back to Nature

MUDDY FEET® works with key partners at back to nature play day Muddy Feet delivered a nature connection and nature play workshop at the Banbury Playday event on 28th July. This event aimed at encouraging a Summer of play and nature connection with families from the local area. A popular and busy day, with all […]
MUDDY FEET® delivering Nature Based Play sessions with Home-Start

MUDDY FEET® is working with Home-Start Banbury, Bicester and Chipping Norton on an exciting new initiative. Funded by Cherwell District Council and Healthy Bicester this project brings nature-based play in urban spaces to families supported by Home-Start in Bicester. Muddy Feet trained Homestart volunteers in play theory, and nature play activities so the volunteers can […]
MUDDY FEET® Adopts 100 rainforest seedlings in new partnership

We are delighted to announce that MUDDY FEET® and Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources have created a new partnership. The Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources is the Philippines leading nature conservation organisation, who is dedicated to advancing participatory sustainable solutions. Haribon has four key elements to their work, these are […]
Muddy Feet® working with Cherwell District Council

Muddy Feet ® is working in partnership with Cherwell District Council as part of the Community Nature Plan 2020 -2022 ‘A natural environment for people and wildlife. The Community Nature Plan sets out how Cherwell District Council will contribute towards looking after the natural environment, for wildlife and people. Cherwell District Council include within the plan […]
Muddy Feet® delivers Forest School for Farthinghoe School

Muddy Feet ® are delivering an annual Forest School programme for Farthinghoe Community Primary School. This fun nature-based programme is being delivered within walking distance of the School at Limes Farm. The children and staff from Farthinghoe Primary spend the whole day outside participating in Forest School activities and even have lunch and snacks outdoors. Activities are child-led […]