MUDDY FEET® Bringing nature connection to Bicester and Banbury

We are super excited to announce that Muddy Feet has been successful in securing funding to bring innovative nature connection programmes to Bicester and Banbury. Funding through Cherwell District Council and Healthy Bicester will enable Muddy Feet will be running a series of nature-based play sessions and Forest school sessions. We will be working with […]
MUDDY FEET® working with the Sunshine Centre

In September Muddy Feet worked with the Sunshine Centre in Banbury to provide a Forest School programme in Princess Diana Park. Funded through the National Lottery this project provided an accessible Forest School programme in the heart of Banbury Town. The programme gave an opportunity for preschool children to get connected to nature and experience […]
Muddy Feet® Customers fundraise to offer free Forest School session

Muddy Feet ® customers who bought tickets at Muddy Feet events in the Summer of 2020 were provided with an opportunity to add a small donation to offer a Forest School session to local charities and groups in areas of need. Muddy Feet customers successfully donated enough to offer a free forest school session. Muddy Feet is […]